Understanding and Implementing KPIs
You know that your team works hard, and you likely have data to back it up. But is everyone working on the right things? Does their work achieve the outcomes that your team and organisation need?
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) can enable you to answer these questions, by quantifying individual and organisational goals, and evaluating performance accordingly.
Driving Change
Do you understand the impact of change on the individual and the business?
How can you get everyone acting as agents for change and driving for results.
These sessions help your team lead and manage others through change.
'Doing' Leadership - Executive Coaching
Strange to say, but leaders need to 'do' leadership ...
We coach at a senior leadership level to help executives lead and manage through change. Leaders often want to improve their influencing style to gain better outcomes from their team and individual team members. Building relationships is important to them, so we focus on developing emotional intelligence as a key leadership quality, amongst other areas.
Accreditation Through ILM
Why not add some accreditation?
The ILM Awards in Leadership and Management are qualifications designed to deliver the skills, knowledge and experience to enable your managers to perform their job well in the real world.
We can deliver a range of programmes:
ILM 2 Team Leader
ILM 3 Award in Leadership and Management
ILM 5 Award in Leadership and Management
ILM 7 Certificate in Leadership
ILM 2 Effective Mentoring
ILM 3 Effective Coaching and Mentoring
ILM 5 Effective Coaching and Mentoring
ILM 7 Executive Coaching and Mentoring